Glamping pian delle ginestre

YOGA - International Yoga Day

YOGA - International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21 June, the day of the summer solstice, officially established by the UN in 2014.

Lo yoga significa unità di mente e corpo; pensiero e azione; dominio di sé e autorealizzazione; armonia tra uomo e natura; un approccio olistico tra salute e benessere”.  Cit. Premier indiano Narendra Modi

Yoga is not considered just a physical activity, but is recognized as a life discipline, it has excellent psychological and spiritual benefits: it contributes to the reduction of anxiety and stress, greater self-control and improvement of elasticity and physical strength. Since everyone can practice it because no special skills are required, everyone can practice physical exercise. Lack of physical exercise is one of the main causes of mortality, which is why the UN deemed it appropriate to dedicate an International Day to it.

21 June was chosen because it is the longest day of the year, the one with the most light, the day on which Shiva, the guru of the discipline, began to transmit it to his faithful students and disciples.

How do we celebrate Yoga in Pian delle Ginestre?

Our small reality dedicates the day of 21 June to Yoga, hosting in our tents those who intend to celebrate this day together with the teacher Brunella Cerri.

Brunella, in addition to having a degree and having taught at the University of Florence, dedicates herself completely to the world of fitness and well-being, teaching Pilate, Power Yoga, body flying, Soulspension and Human movement optimization.

La giornata del 21 June prevede il check-in tra le ore 15:00 e le ore 17:00, ai nostri ospiti verranno serviti centrifugati, frutta e verdura di benvenuto, dopodiché seguiranno i 108 saluti al sole e per concludere la giornata una cena vegetariana cucinata da Ilaria. La giornata si conclude con il pernottamento nelle nostre tende immerse nel verde dei boschi di Sassetta, nella pace e nella tranquillità, nel silenzio e nella natura.

La giornata del 22 June, prevede il buongiorno con del thè oppure del caffè, per poi iniziare la giornata con le pratiche di risveglio di PowerYoga della nostra insegnante Brunella.

Full package

Overnight stay in a two-person tent at the price of 170 euros per person.

Discount of 15% for bookings by 14 June 2022.

CONTACT US per maggiori informazioni


It is a dynamic meditative practice that helps you discover and take care of your body, as well as being a spiritual quest if practiced consistently over time. There are no traces that it is linked to a specific Hindu tradition; it was mainly understood as a means of spiritual realization and salvation, therefore variously interpreted and regulated depending on the school of thought. This Sanskrit term is also used in Buddhist and Jain circles and over time, it has spread quite homogeneously across almost all continents.

What benefits does Yoga bring?

It brings many benefits, especially if practiced consistently. The salient ones are:

  • Posture improvement
  • Flexibility and elasticity in movements
  • Muscle toning
  • Greater oxygenation of internal organs, therefore also a detoxifying action (detox)
  • Improved blood circulation and therefore also improved blood pressure.
  • Control and regularization of breathing with the consequent reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Yoga brings great benefits to both the body and the mind, calming it and calming it

Which Yoga to start with?

There are different disciplines related to yoga and also many nuances but for those who have never practiced, Hatha Yoga can be an excellent start, it is considered the basic starting level. Works on breathing, increases vitality and improves concentration. It is the oldest and the one that comes closest to the Indian tradition.

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